Gift Idea for New Mom and Baby in the Hospital

10 Feel-Good Gifts For Mom

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Healthy, Green Gifts for Mom

Having a mother is too great a gift to repay, but that doesn't mean you can't try! Give the gift of good health this Mothers' Day with our super-relaxing picks. And with each nourishing present comes one for you, too: a guaranteed hug.

More from Prevention: 6 Reasons To Thank Your Mom

Areca Palm

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1. Areca Palm

For all the years she spent holding her breath worried about you, you can finally help mom breathe easy. Palms make gorgeously green gifts, and they're natural air purifiers that remove toxic impurities from the stale indoors. According to a study by NASA, the areca palm wins the title for best natural air cleanser.

Organic Green Tea

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2. Organic Green Tea

Younger-looking skin, better health, slimmer waistline? Name your mama's health wish, and green tea can get her there.  Full of antioxidants, green tea three times a day can even lower your cholesterol and blood pressure—so you might want to make it tea for two.

Farm Share

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3. Farm Share

Mom was always making you eat your fruits and veggies, and this year, you can return the favor. Give her a community supported agriculture (CSA) membership, and she'll get box after box of ultra-fresh produce from a nearby farm. There are more than 4,000 CSAs across the country, so find the closest at

Boxed Organic Wine

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4. Boxed Organic Wine

What mother doesn't love red wine (otherwise known as a spa in a glass)? Brimming with heart-healthy antioxidants, red wine may help prevent some kinds of cancer and even whittles waistlines. Grab an organic box of it this year: Lighter, more eco-friendly packaging emits about half the CO2 that bottled wine does in a trip across the country.

Yoga Classes

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5. Yoga Classes

Mother's Day is all about her, so treat her to a restorative yoga class pack. She's in store for a whole-body healing experience that can reduce stress, boost energy, and undo any lingering havoc you may have caused her as a child.

Organic, Fairly Traded Coffee

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6. Organic, Fairly Traded Coffee

Remember that loving rise-and-shine shake every morning before school? Early morning are chronic hazards of motherhood, but they're not without their joys. Fairly traded coffee can fuel your mother way past the school years—and give her health a jolt. How? Coffee boosts brainpower, lowers the risk of diabetes, and can even crush heart disease. Now's a good time to go organic, too: some organic blends contain up to 40% more antioxidants than conventional brands.


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7. Roses

Sometimes, classic really is best. Give your mom a blushing bouquet of locally grown roses: studies show that inhaling rose decreased stress effects on skin, like inflammation and dryness.

Cooking Classes

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8. Cooking Classes

Whether she's always wanted to whip up Indian curry or brûlée French pastries, it's a good bet that your mom harbors some secret culinary urges. Let her fly with cooking classes. It can be the cheapest—and healthiest—way to take a vacation.

Potted Herbs

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9. Potted Herbs

Herbs aren't just delicious in your mother's marinara sauce. They're also lovely natural fragrances and brain enhancers. Just inhaling rosemary can fight off cognitive decline and other free-radical damage.  Sage is no slouch, either: it soothes anxiety and turbo charges alertness.


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10. Massage

Make your mom melt with a relaxing massage. They're scientifically proven to relieve anxiety, depression, and even pain. Ahh, now that's the spot.

Gift Idea for New Mom and Baby in the Hospital


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